The Big List of Time Travel Adventures

 2015 to 2017

   “History’s Best Places to Kiss”
by Nik Houser
First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Jan/Feb 2015

Rather than continue with a messy divorce, Ray Fox and Karen Jameson-Pfiffer-Browning go back in time to prevent themselves from ever marrying each other.

 A word of advice: never read Philip K. Dick before going on vacation through time. 

from Schaefer’s website

   “Perfectly Justified Response”
by Peter A. Schaefer
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 13 Jan 2015

Nome’s lab partner has a time machine, and she’s considering sending various objects back 30 years or possibly back to the time when the Earth first formed through planetary accretion.

 Did you know the Earth formed through planetary accretion during the formation of the Solar System approximately four-point-five billion years ago? 

   12 Monkeys
adapted by Terry Matalas and Travis Fickett
First episode: 16 Jan 2015

Same backstory as the movie, same names for the characters, no Bruce Willis, but still a fun adaptation of the movie with cool instant effects when an action alters the future, but not so clever use of the watches and the paradox of meeting yourself.

 About four years from now, most of the human race will be wiped out by a plague, a virus. We know its because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him. 

   Project Almanac
aka Welcome to Yesterday
by Jason Harry Pagan and Andrew Deutschman (Dean Israelite, director)
First release: 30 Jan 2015

When teenage genius David Raskin and his sister Chris are rummaging through the attic, they discover a video tape made by their father on the day of his death ten years ago. The tape seems to show current-age David in the background, which leads David, Chris, and their three friends to build a time machine.

Based on the trailer, I thought it was a fun premise with promise, but in the execution, the movie couldn’t decide what it wanted to be: David Raskin, Boy Genius (and scientific handwaver), or Ferris Bueller and the Time Machine, or The Blair Time Travel Project, or maybe The Butterfly Effect IV. Whichever it was, none of the different directions could support a plot for me, none had a consistently worked-out model of time travel, and none had reliable continuity in the filmmaking.

 Did you see the tape at your seventh birthday? I think we already did build it. 

An early Chamberlain short, short story appeared in this Asimov/Carr/Greenberg anthology.

   “Afternoon Break”
by Gregg Chamberlain
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 5 Feb 2015

On an afternoon during his first week of vacation, a journalist stops by a tavern for a half-pint.

 “Quick,” he shouted. “What year is this?” 

   “Amelia and the Time-Traveling Sheldon”
by Amy Farrah Fowler
First reading in: “The Troll Manifestation”, 5 Feb 2015

Living alone on the 19th century American plains, Amelia meets and falls in love with a time-traveling physicist.

 Which word don't you understand? Time or travel? 

172 of Reid’s short, short stories appeared in this anthology.

   “When a Bunch of People,
Including Raymond, Got Superpowers”

by Luc Reid
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 16 Feb 2015

If a bunch of people in a story suddenly got the superpowers of their choice, doesn’t it naturally follow that at least one of them would have the power to turn time?

 Time Turner actually did pretty well with her power until she accidentally let slip . . . 

from Burgis’s website

   “Marking Time”
by Stephanie Burgis
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 20 Feb 2015

After an adult life of painful and disappointing moments, a woman hears about a crazier woman at the farmers’ market who can put each of those moments into a string of beads that have a power more than mere jewelry.

 This bead marks the moment you told Tom Merchant (high on your first-ever vodka shots and the teeth-jittering adrenaline of being out—even just as part of a group—with Tom Merchant, the most brilliant, amazing guy youd ever met) that you couldnt care less about your practical engineering major, that thing that your parents were both so proud of. 

The Archduke Ferdinand and his wife the Archduchess shortly before their assasination that sparked the Great War   “A Small Diversion on
the Road to Hell”

by Jonathan L. Howard
First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Mar/Apr 2015

A time traveler comes to the Helix bar where he’s flabbergasted to discover that the Great War on Earth from nineteen fourteen to eighteen was still started in exactly the same manner as before his trip in time. And that’s not the only chrono-intervention gone awry.

 He looks at me, looks at my look, looks at his bag, opens his bag, looks in his bag, takes out a gun. He does not look as if he is about to use it. Instead, he breaks it open. “Look!” he says, and I am looking already. “It hasn’t been fired! How can Princip have laid his hands on another gun so quickly? The car went by thirty seconds after I stole this from his pocket. He didnt have time! How is it possible? 

   “The Shape of My Name”
by Nino Cipri
First publication:, 4 Mar 2015

In 2076 a teenaged transgender son—genetically female in a family where the ability to time travel is passed from mother to child via mitochondrial DNA—lives with an aunt in the house where his mother abandoned their family more than a century in the past by traveling to a limit point in 2321 where their time machine can reach but not return.

I noticed that the time machine’s name, anachronopede, is nearly that of El Anacronópete, so I wrote to Nino Cipri to ask whether Gaspar’s novel was an inspiration. It was, said Nino, writing to me: “ It is indeed a reference to El Anacronópete. I was researching time travel in fiction while writing that story, and it was the earliest mention of a time machine I could find. Plus, the name is so great.”

 I picture you standing in the kitchen downstairs, over a century ago. I imagine that you’re staring out through the little window above the sink, your eyes traveling down the path that leads from the back door and splits at the creek; one trail leads to the pond, and the other leads to the shelter and the anachronopede, with its rows of capsules and blinking lights. 

   World of Tomorrow
by Don Hertzfeldt (Herzfeldt, director)
First publication: 31 Mar 2015

Young Emily is contacted by a third-generation clone of herself from the far future.

 Oh. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh my God. Holy Mother of God. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh God. 

   Found in Time
by Arthur Vincie (Vincie, director)
First release: 15 Apr 2015

In a world populated by a variety of psychic people (including the psycops and doctors who wear storm-trooper masks), a mystic pushes Chris back to an earlier time in his life, starting him on a journey that skips through his life.

 Just push me back. 

   “Stuck in the Past”
by Michael Donoghue
First publication: Abyss & Apex, 2nd quarter 2015

A man, distraught over the fact that Emily left him for a guy with money, ignores a warning from his future self and places a Craigslist ad pleading for someone in the future to send him tomorrow’s winning lottery numbers.

Although there were some science terminology slips, the story was enjoyable for me, particularly the second half when the writing was more about the story and less about amusing interactions with your older self. On the other hand, Emily’s notion of what it meant to “make something of yourself ” didn’t ring true to me.

 I didnt turn around. Who wants to see an older, uglier version of himself? 

R.A. Reikki’s web page

   “Time EMT”
by R.A. Reikki (as by Ron Reikki)
First publication: 365 Tomorrows, 30 Apr 2015

A thought-provoking story of an ambulance that goes back to the time before the accident.

 We scanned her I.D. and it showed she had medical insurance. Otherwise, the rule is that we treat you for the injuries, but theres no swap. 

   Connections Academy Commercial
First publication: May 2015

 And I’m Jermey when he was in the fifth grade. 

Castoroides Knight by Charles Robert Knight (i.e., the image that fsf should have used to illustrate the story!)

   “Trapping the Pleistocene”
by James Sarafin
First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May/Jun 2015

Jack Morgan and his wife, whose ten-year-old daughter recently fell through the winter ice and drowned, are two of the rare beings who live in an agrarian enclave in the new Ohio wilderness, tending their livestock and working with tools rather than living in the anthill-like sterile towers full of webbed-together people. But now the towers need Jack’s help in rescuing a friend in the Pleistocene and track down a specimen of Castoroides ohioensis along the way.

 Okay. But to get to the point, Castoroides ohioensis was a giant species of beaver that lived during the Pleistocene epoch. Its been extinct for at least ten thousand years. Our project requires sending an animal-capture expert to the late Pleistocene to catch an ohioensis and bring back tissue samples. 

   “A Turkey with Egg on His Face”
by Rob Chilson
First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May/Jun 2015

Shy Georgie Plunkett of St. Clair County, Missouri, has a crush on Chloey Carew—but just how could he possibly compete with brash, outgoing, egotistical Harry Markesan for her attentions? Eenie meanie, time machinie.

 Not entirely true. Georgie had traveled, two-three times to Kansas City. Hadnt liked it much: fair enough. It hadnt liked him, either. Been to Joplin a couple times to visit a sister; to Fort Scott once, to have a special piece of metal crafted for his time machine. That was it. 

   Kung Fury
by David Sandberg (Sandberg, director)
First release: 28 May 2015

I think this short movie (30 minutes) is showing what it would be like if video games were real life. The hero is a cop cum kung-fu-chosen-one in a blood-filled, surreal Miami, who’s sent back in time to kill the Kung Fuhrer. Along the way (among other things), he meets both Thor and David Hasselhoff, gives a beautiful viking girl a cellular phone so she can call him, and crushes random Nazis in original ways.

 Hackerman: I was able to triangulate the cell-phone signal, trace the caller: His name is Adolph Hitler.
Kung Fury: Hitler. Hes the worst criminal of all time.
Hackerman: You know him, sir?
Kung Fury: I guess you could say that. In the 1940s, Hitler was a kung fu champion. He was so good at kung fu that he decided to change his name to Kung Fuhrer. 

   Flight World War II
aka Flight 1942
by Jacob Cooney and Bill Hanstock (Emile Edwin Smith, director)
First release: 2 Jun 2015

Captain Will Strong flies his 757 and about two dozen passengers into a weather anomaly only to emerge over 1940 France.

I’ve heard of this happening before, but this is the first time that I've actually seen a combination of writing and acting that’s so bad I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

 That radar is more advanced than anything the Germans are using at this point. 

from Rice’s home page

   “Apologies to Mr. Hawking”
by J.D. Rice
First publication: 365 Tomorrows, 4 Jun 2015

A time-traveler sends his regrets for being unable to attend the widely announced reception that Stephen Hawking threw with an open invitation to all time travelers.

 I regret to inform you that I will not be attending your reception, scheduled for 12:00 UT, 28 June 2009. 

Vermont writer Weil had a 2015 reading in Burlington.

   “Time Machines: An End of the World Inventoryt”
by Ginger Weil
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 11 Jun 2011

I found it hard to tell exactly what happened in this flash piece, but it may be that a scientist has brought a zombie plague back in time.

 The scientist who brought it here is dead. His grave was the first one you dug behind your house. 

   Inside Out
by Pete Docter, Meg LeFauve and Josh Cooley (Pete Docter, director)
First release: 19 Jun 2015

Admittedly, the Inside Out time travel is just one throwaway Bing Bong joke, but in my opinion it cements the central role of the time travel meme in the popular culture of my lifetime.

 Once, we flew back in time. We had breakfast twice that day. 

   Best Friends Whenever
created by Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas
First episode: 26 Jun 2015

When best friends Cyd and Shelby get accidentally zapped by Barry’s ray gun, they gain the ability to travel through time, although they don’t lose the ability to freak out over drama at West Portland High School.

 Barry: Cyd, when that laser blasted Reynaldo, it was set at two. You guys were blasted at four . . . hundred. [laugh track] There is no telling what could have happened. It could have sent you to another dimension or made you time travel or rendered you invisible.
Cyd: [Sticks finger in mouth. Makes popping noise. Threatens Barry with slobbered-on finger.]
Barry: Youre not invisible. [laugh track] 

   Inside Amy Schumer
created by Amy Schumer
First time travel: 30 Jun 2015

No topics are off-limit in standup-comedienne Amy Schumer’s, not even time travel which occurs in the episode ‘Wingwoman’ (30 Jun 2015) along with other skits on telephone help for crises, boyfriend-meets-brother, and more.

 Amy plus Six: Amy, its me . . . you, I time traveled from six years in the future.
Amy: How does that work?
Amy plus Six: I dont know! How does electricity work? You just pay for it. Now listen, five-years-in-the-future-you is gonna come back and talk to you.
Amy: Wait, I thought you were from the future.
Amy plus Six: Im six-years-in-the-future-you. Five-years-in-the-future-you has bangs. Now, shes gonna come and shes gonna tell you—
Amy: If I should get bangs or not?
Amy plus Six: No! Shut the f*** up! Shes gonna tell you not to move in with Travis?
Amy [devastated]: Why not?
Amy plus Six: Because he cheats on you; he gives you gonorrhea and bed bugs. Its a nightmare.
Amy: Oh, God, Ive never had bed bugs before. I wont move in with him.
Amy plus Six: Oh, no no no. You have to move in with him, okay? It turns out that by being warned to break up with Travis that things in the future get really screwed up, and California is now in the ocean.  

   “Pollen from a Future Harvest”
by Derek Künsken
First publication: Asimov's Science Fiction, Jul 2015

A breeze of pollen from intelligent alien vegetation continually blows into one artificial wormhole and out another eleven years earlier, which gets Major Okonkwo’s government het up about using it to repeatedly send back research results while Okonkwo and her team try to figure out how and where the rival government is spying on things and why the pollen stream has stopped. All the while, there are discussions of how careful everyone must be to avoid grandfather paradoxes.

For me, Künsken’s earlier novella of aliens and time dilation (“Schools of Clay”) was a realistic, character-driven, multi-layered story worthy of a Hugo, but this second novella was less engaging, even though it does involve actual time travel.

 On their way, the Force had discovered the time gates, a pair of artificial wormholes connected across eleven years of time. All the ancient wormholes were incalcuably valuable; their possession was the defining feature of the patron nations. Finding a wormhole was the Unions chance to slip from beneath the yoke of the Congregate. 

   Time Salvager
by Wesley Chu
First book: Jul 2015

In a future where mankind’s civilization is collapsing in every corner of the solar system, ex-criminal James Griffin-Mars is one of the Chronmen who mines the past—from a space-opera 22nd century to a Big Brother autocracy to Nazi Germany—for whatever scrap might rescue humanity.

 Then he pulled out the recently engraved Time Law Charter and lingered on it, his fingers brushing the inscriptions. He had found what he was looking for. 

   Terminator Genisys
by Laeta Kalogridi and Patrick Lussier (Alan Taylor, director)
First release: 1 Jul 2015

  1. Watch The Terminator.
  2. [optional, but recommended] Watch T2.
  3. Suspend all questions about how various timelines can mesh.
  4. Enjoy Genisys.
  5. Bonus points if you can identify the other excellent time-travel movie with a main character named “Pops”! (Yes, it’s in my list.)

 Come with me if you wanna live! 

—Sarah to Kyle Reese

   “Guaranteed Tenure”
by H.B. Fyfe
First publication: The Third Time Travel Megapack, 8 Jul 2015

In the year 2052, Inspector Johnny Keeler tells the story of why he’s now on the skids due to that alien Qualu who’s set up a time-travel business with a myriad of strict rules, the strictest of which is that he’s always available to the highest bidder (namely Joe Balton, the city’s crime boss).

Horace Browne Fyfe, Jr., was a prolific author, one of Campbell’s stable from 1940 (at age 22) through 1967. He died in 1997, so it would be interesting to hear how the editors of the Megapack ebooks tracked down this story of his, which is listed in the third time travel Megapack as previously unpublished.

 “You see, Inspector,” he says, looking me up and down like I was dressed up for Halloween, “we are not permitted to adjust local-time affairs, for the simple reason that laws vary with time. The legal or moral, I am sure you understand, is a matter not only of place but also of time.” 

the time traveler from Rosarum’s story, drawn by Li Wren (who also designed

   “An Amateur’s Guide to Time Travel”
by Mariam Rosarum
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 9 Jul 2015

Not only does Rosarum provide guidance on what to expect as a time traveler, she also provides instructions on how to time travel as gleaned from the literature.

 Editors Note: This is a work of fiction. Please dont attempt time travel in this way. 

   Rick and Morty
created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon
First time travel: 26 Jul 2015 (“A Rickle in Time”)

Some might argue that Rick and Morty engage in mere time shenanigans—such as that whole time freeze thing and the parallel timelines—with no time travel. But the fourth-dimensional being with a testicle for a head does travel in time, most notably with that = mc² bit at the end.

 Okay, listen you two: We froze time for a pretty long time, so when I unfreeze it, the worlds time is gonna be fine, but our time is gonna need a little time to, you know, stabilize. 

created by Chic Young
First time travel: 30 Jul 2015

Did the Bumsteads ever run into a time machine back in Chic Young’s day? Whether they did or not, the modern version managed to combine a time machine and a sandwich in a way that will be compelling to everyone.

 Well, maybe not everyone. 

   “The First Step”
by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Aug 2015

Divorced, workaholic professor Harvey DeLeo’s time machine is finally ready to test on a human, and against everyone’s advice he himself takes that first journey back to a time when he was still married to his beautiful wife and their son was but a toddler.

 This day, the next hour, were the reasons he had built the device. Not so that graduate students in religion could travel back to Christs cruxifixion to see if it really happened as the Bible said. Not so that historians could add to their dissertations by actually speaking to Thomas Jefferson. Not so that techs could fruitlessly try to modify the device so that someone could finally shoot Hitler. 

from Clairval’s website

by Gio Clairval
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 26 Aug 2015

Professor Talbot puts a stray white rat in its maze, and she briefly hears the rat calling out to her for help. Then, after the rodent bites her, she finds herself as a sea captain serving at the pleasure of King George II (and perhaps also at the pleasure of a drowning rat).

 Shes wearing a cocked hat of beaver fur over a red waistcoat. Her boat just arrived at a northern city on the Baltic, under a sky of zinc marred by sooty clouds. 

from Thomas’s website

   “Dinosaur Man”
by Rhys Thomas
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 31 Aug 2015

A nameless reporter in the future tells us how the discovery of a 70-million-year-old human fossil destroys science as we know it, leaving only one small colony of outcast scientists.

 They became to society as pagans are to us. Considered mad but harmless they were left to their own devices, forgotten for over a century. 

   “Searching for Commander Parsec”
by Peter Wood
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Sep 2015

Young Brian, who lives with his mother and idolizes his deadbeat father, listens to a long-gone, space opera radio show that’s still being picked up on his boombox—but it’s more than the radio signals that are time traveling!

 This Commander Parsec show is pretty ridiculous. The commander is always rescuing bimbos and defeating the bad guys all over the Galaxy. 

   Miraculous Ladybug
aka Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
created by Thomas Astruc
First time travel: 22 Sep 2015 (“Timebreaker”)

Parisian teens Marinette Dupain-Cheng (aka Ladybug) and Adrien Agreste (aka Cat Noir) are classmates in school and partners in superheroing, although neither of them know the other’s secret identity. One of their friends, Alix Kubdel (aka Timebreaker), can travel through time when she rollerblades at just the right speed, although when she does so, she also becomes evilized (aka akumatized) courtesy of the series bad guy (aka Hawk Moth).

 Uh, I really dont have time to explain right now, but Im you from just a few minutes in the future. 

   Sprint’s Iphone Commercial
First publication: Fall 2015

 Im building a time machine, so I dont have to wait. 

   Heroes Reborn
produced by Tim Kring
First episode: 24 Sep 2015

The Heroes are back! Including time traveler Hiro! Unfortunately, neither Hiro nor a pair of Noahs could save the plotline of this miniseries (or save the cheerleader for that matter) during the first seven episodes. Matters pick up in Episode Eight, but head downhill again with Hiro out of the picture.

 Whats time travel like? Wheres Hiro? 

   “The Citidel of Weeping Pearls”
by Aliette de Bodard
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Oct/Nov 2015

Amidst royal intrigue and miltary escalation, in a place far from Earth and a time thirty years after a princess and heir to the throne vanished along with the citadel where she lived, the disappearance still occupies the minds of an ensemble of people, One of that ensemble, Diem Huong, was a girl when the citadel stole her mother away, but now Diem Huong is an engineer on a project which is determined to travel back those thirty years.

 Mother had gone on ahead, Ancesters only knew where. So there was no way forward. But somewhere in the starlit hours of the past—somewhere in the days when the Citadel still existed, and Bright Princess Ngoc Minhs quarrel with the empress was still fresh and raw—Mother was still alive.
There was a way

   Get Back
aka Imagine . . . Saving John Lennon
by Donovan Day
First publication: Oct 2015

Seventeen-year-old time traveler and Beatles junkie Lenny Funk hangs out with the Beatles in their early days and faces the ultimate time traveler’s dilemma: Do I warn John of his fate?

 What will become of me? 

the actual Hollywood 10 and their families in 1950   “Hollywood after 10”
by Thomas Esaias
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Oct/Nov 2015

In the post-Chronarch civilization, groups of wealthy time travelers entusiastically take on causes in the past, such as making sure of a successful Norman Mailer fund-raising party to support the convicted Hollywood 10 in the McCarthey era.

 A child doesnt fully mature until it self-consciously overcomes the mistakes its parents and its community made in raising it. What we are doing is saying to our ancestors, ‘Here and here you were wrong. We refuse to accept these errors. We are taking command of our own history.’ This is part of the maturing of human culture. 

I wish Asimov’s still had interior images: perhaps they could have used this lovely selkie from   “Walking to Boston”
by Rick Wilber
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Oct/Nov 2015

At the outset of World War II, Young Harry Mack is flying a bomber to Europe for the lend-lease program. The plane malfunctions and is heading for a crash-landing on the coast of neutral Ireland when an equally young Niamh calls to her selkie sisters of the sea to save the plane’s occupants. Even at the time, Niamh knows there will be a cost for their aid, but that cost isn’t revealed until the end of a long marriage between the two when Niamh, now suffering from dementia, and an aging Harry, regretful of his philandering life, take a time-travel-infused road trip.

 Will this whole dream last through all that drive and any time after they get there? Is he losing it, maybe, the way Niamh is? Are they both lying in a mortuary somewhere, dead and cold, and this is some kind of afterlife? Has time been changed somehow, so he can do better for her this time around? Jesus, would that even work? Could he be better. do better, given the chance? 

   The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show
produced by Dreamworks Animation
First publication: 9 Oct 2015

Why am I not surprised that I can’t find any information on who had the idea of ruining this childhood favorite?

 But first lets get things rolling by introducing an incredible invention of mine that I like to call the WABAC machine. 

   Mount Isa
Hoverboard Unit Investigate

by Sergeant Cath Purcell
First publication:, 21 Oct 2015

 When questioned what speed he was doing, the driver stated that he was doing 88 miles per hour. 

   “Prime Time”
by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks
First publication: Nature, 22 Oct 2015

Something goes awry when Aurelia’s Dad uses his time machine to come back and warn Aurelia about the fact that she’s going to disappear tonight.

P.S. to Jennifer Campbell-Hicks and the Nature editors: The number one is not considered prime, probably because that would cause prime number factorization to not be unique, but since we don’t know the cause of the the total number of dads always being prime, we can overlook that issue.

 What do you think? Your machine is broken. Its spitting you out, over and over. Youre coming out in groups so you always add up to a prime number. We had seven. Now its eleven. 

   Youth Jailed
First publication: USA Today, 22 Oct 2015

 Protesting that he was “put up to the whole thing” by a local gang, Martin McFly, Junior, 17, was arrested for the theft of an undisclosed cash amount by Hill Valley Police this morning. The theft, which was accomplished with a stolen degaussing unit, took place at the Hill Valley Payroll Substation on 9th Street at exactly 1:28 A.M. this morning. 

   “Tomorrow Is a Lovely Day”
by Lisa Mason
First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Nov/Dec 2015

Benjamin, having a really bad day working at his seemingly pointless job watching a machine that supposedly retrieves information from the future, gets a feeling that he and the machine’s inventor have been through all this before.

 I substituted phase-compensating lenses to dispel the zero average of the cosine function mandated by Eberhard’s proof. I instituted an autocidal-prevention mechanism to avoid the self-canceling paradox. Kill my own grandfather? Father a child who will bear a child who will kill me? What nonsense. My calcite crystals generate superluminal tachyons. Information from the future! The Nostradamus Machine! 

   “Beasts of the Earth”
by Ernie Lindsey
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

Eleven months after Lucy Quinn died of brain cancer, her mother struggles with hourly grief while her oncologist father is pulled through a portal to a time of Noah and unicorns.

 Dutton nudged forward, arm shaky, stick wobbling, and when the tip pierced the surface, he was caught unawares by the forceful tug from the other end. He didnt let go fast enough, stumbling forward, falling into it with two faint words whispering in his mind: Jess . . . Lucy . . .  

   “The Diatomic Quantum Flop”
by Daniel Arthur Smith
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

A college tripper and his three buddies use a nanodrug and sensory depreavtion tanks in order to experience increasingly longer periods of time inside a simultaneous, non-linear, Eastern religion fashion—a useful way of viewing the world when you’re at a casino.

 The conversation I was having was déjà vu, but at the same time I was already into tomorrow, and back to earlier in the evening walking up Martys porch, looking at the huge Om symbol on the psychedelic tapestry that curtained his window, 

from Wecks’s website   “Eighty-Three”
by Erik Wecks
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

Starting at age thriteen, Noah jumps through his life—to his time as a kid, a college student, a movie producer, Rachel’s husband, and an old man—sometimes forward and sometimes backward, but (nearly) always landing in a prime-numbered year and never quite sure whether he’s really time traveling or, if he is, whether he’s able to change things.

 If I remember right, I dont have much time, so let me get to the point. Whats really hard to understand is whether or not you can change stuff. 

Davis also wrote two Quantum Leap novels.   “Excess Baggage”
by Carol Davis
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

By chance, fourteen-year-old Toby Cobb gets in the path of time-traveler John Asher who’s headed to save an important woman from the great San Francisco earthquake. As a result, both of them end up trapped in a wasteland.

 You cant change history, dude. Known fact. You cant mess with things. Create paradoxes. You could much everything up so you dont even exist, like in Back to the Future. And, like, every time travel story known to man. You shouldnt even be telling me this. 

by Anthony Vicino
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

Three paratroopers—Kaelyn, Zoe, and Maddix—are having a really bad jump, but fortunately they can always unwind time by a limited number of seconds.

 Time reversed, dragging at my atoms like a boat suddenly throwing down its anchor whilst traveling at full speed. Nausea and vertigo twisted about, dancing just beyond the perimeter of my mind before slamming into my chest and driving the air out of my lungs. 

by Ernie Luis
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

Miller, who deals in illict drugs sent from the future, knows the eventual fate of each of his clients, but he can never intervene, not even when his all those people are dying one after another.

 I boot up my laptop and search for an old report I got on Jeff when he first started coming in. A report from the future. We call it an insight document. And it tells us everything we need to know about the future of our clients. 

from Banghart’s website   “The Nothing Gate”
by Tracy Banghart
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

Teenager Juniper Young is a pariah in her own Maine town because her father was one of the messengers about the climate change that did come true. However now hes funding a solution.

 Its an escape, of sorts. But . . . but not outward. 

   “Red Mustang”
by Michael Holden
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

Sixty-five-year-old Jimmy Spaulding, a combination handy-man/petty-thief, agrees to drive an old Grace Clark to an unknown destination in return for her not pressing larceny charges against him.

I liked the story’s atmosphere, but felt that the author needed better research about prices in the 60s. By my calculations, that red Mustang must have held about 70 gallons of gas—leaded gas, that is—given the price they paid for a fill-up. And teen talk was peppered with “cool” more so than “like.”

 Pulling back the tarp, I exposed a chromed grill and red paint. Peeling it back fruther, careful not to drap the tarp and bugger up the finish, I found more chrome, more red paint, and red vinyl upholstered seats. As I uncovered more and more of the car, a vague feeling of familiarity crept over me. 

Bale draws a parallel between the world in this story and Piper’s Paratime, although I’d claim that the latter has no time travel.   “Shades”
by Lucas Bale
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

Every five years on the dot, William Edward McIntyre jumps forward ten years in time. Will doesn’t fully understand the pattern given that this latest jump wasn’t just ten years. And there are other things that he doesn’t understand such as why, after his first jump, he was in a world where his parents had never had a child.

 Five years later, on September 1st, 1980, just after midday, I ceased to exist for a second time. There was no flash, no blinding light or thunderouse drama. No perfect sphere of swirling lightning. I just blinked and everything changed. If I remember it right, on September 1st, 1990, which is where I was when I next opened my eyes, it was raining. 

   “The Traveler”
by Stefan Bolz
First publication: The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015

After a twelve-year-old boy’s father dies, the boy finds directions for making H.G. Wells’s time machine in the father’s workshop.

 What followed were twenty pages of neatly written text intertwined with drawings, sketches, and mathematical formulas. Then several pages with lists of materials. 

Forty-two of Poyner’s other uniquely bizarre short, short stories appeared in this 2013 collection.

   “The Last of Time”
by Ken Poyner
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 4 Nov 2015

The guy who cleans the time machines in the Duchy of New York tells us about his job.

 Mostly the job is scratching stray seconds and the occasional minute out of the rigging, sucking up a misplaced nanosecond that somehow got into the cockpit. 

 Martin and Artie’s Timeline Restoration #1
“Paris, 1835”
by Bill Johnson

Decade by decade, Martin and his AI, Artie (introduced in the second story of the series), work to restore their home timeline, continuously hoping that some other damnfool time traveler won’t come along and mess things up again.

In this first story, Martin (sans Artie) and a countess from a different timeline butt heads over whose timeline they should try to recreate.

 I was in the way back. Far, far back. I skipped downtime and uptime, back to my past and then up to my home, and everything worked find. Then one day, in the far back, I tried to go home. 

Some of Kewin’s other stories appeared in this 2012 collection.

   “Congratulations on the Purchase of
Your New Universe!”

by Simon Kewin
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 1 Dec 2015

Among other things when you buy a new universe, you must be careful to set the arrow of time correctly.

 Thanks for reading these instructions and enjoy the creation and operation of your new universe. With luck, your creation will go on to give you many billions of years of entertainment and pleasure. 

And Still More Time Travel of 2015

The story pilots haven’t yet taken these adventures out for a test drive.
  “Walk-In Bistro” by Rick Tobin, 365 Tomorrows, 6 Jan 2015
—short-term waitress time travels

  “Small Mercies” by David Atos, 365 Tomorrows, 10 Mar 2015
—a merciful time traveler

  “Time Enough for Hate” by Edward D. Thompson, 365 Tomorrows, 22 Jun 2015
—time-machine wife revenge

  “Research Authorization” by David Atos, 365 Tomorrows, 10 Jul 2015
—strict rules exist on changing the past

  “Unraveled” by Bob Newbell, 365 Tomorrows, 19 Aug 2015
—restoring the original timeline

  “{Blink}” by Brad Crawford, 365 Tomorrows, 13 Oct 2015
—an unpredictable time machine

  “Unjust” by Beck Dacus, 365 Tomorrows, 24 Oct 2015
—time machines and courts of law

  “Meeting of the Minds” by S T Xavier, 365 Tomorrows, 7 Dec 2015
—time traveler vs himselves biannually

Romance Time Travel of 2015

Bodice rips are a more workaday mode of time travel than time ships.
Ravenhurst 6: A Victorian Christmas by Lorraine Beaumont

Echo 1: Echo in Time by Lindsey Fairleigh

Echo 1.5: Resonance by Lindsey Fairleigh

A Bridge through Time by Gloria Gay

Duncurra 2: Highland Courage by Ceci Giltenan

Duncurra 3: Highland Intrigue by Ceci Giltenan

Fated Hearts 1: Highland Revenge by Ceci Giltenan

Fated Hearts 2: Highland Echos by Ceci Giltenan

Fated Hearts 3: Highland Angels by Ceci Giltenan

Pocket Watch Chronicles 1: The Pocket Watch by Ceci Giltenan

Caveman 1 by Avery Kloss

Caveman 1 by Avery Kloss

Caveman 1 by Avery Kloss

A Matter of Time by Margaret Locke

Celtic Brooch 4: The Emerald Brooch by Katherine Lowry Logan

Merriweather Sisters 1: A Knight to Remember by Cynthia Luhrs

Merriweather Sisters 2: Knight Moves by Cynthia Luhrs

Merriweather Sisters 3: Lonely Is the Knight by Cynthia Luhrs

Magic of Time 2: Anywhere in Time by Melissa Mayhue

Loch Moigh 3: The Highlander's Folly by Barbara Longley

Must Love 2: Must Love Chainmail by Angela Quarles

Swept Away Saga 1: Swept Away BY Kamery Solomon (2015) by Kamery Solomon

St Mary's 0.5: The Very First Damned Thing by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 4.5: Christmas Present by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 5: No Time Like the Past by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 6: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 6.5: Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings by Jodi Taylor

After Cilmeri 10: Guardians of Time by Sarah Woodbury

No Time Travel.
Move along.
“For Lost Time” by Therese Arkenberg, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 22 Jan 2015 [no definite time travel ]

“Samsara and Ice” by Andy Dudak, Analog, Jan/Feb 2015 [long sleep] and [reincarnation ]

“A User’s Guide to Increments of Time” by Kat Howard, F&SF, Mar/Apr 2015 [differing time rates ]

“In the Time of Love” by Amy Sterling Casil, &F&SF, May/Jun 2015 [stopping time ]

“Dixon’s Road” by Rucgard Chwedyk, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Jul/Aug 2015 [long sleep ]

“Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World” by Caroline M. Yoachim, Lightspeed, Sep 2015 [no definite time travel ]

“Time Flies” by Carie Juettner, Nature, 3 Sep 2015 [despite title, no time travel ]

“Life/Time in the New World” by Ann Christy, The Time Travel Chronicles, 2 Nov 2015 [long sleep ]

“It’s All Relative at the Space-Time Café” by Norman Birnbach, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Nov/Dec 2015 [despite title, no time travel ]

“Nathaniel” by Mary Ogle, Daily Science Fiction, 21 Dec 2015 [virtual reality ]

English title: Erased (translated from Japanese)
aka Bokudake ga Inai Machi (The Town Without Me)
by Kei Sambe (aka Kei Sanbe)
First episode: 8 Jan 2016

This 12-part anime adaptation of Kei Sambe’s manga felt more abbreviated than the 12-part live-action version, and the characters were not as captivating for me.

 I call the process “Revival.” I usually go back between one and five minutes. 

   Legends of Tomorrow
created by Phil Klemmer, Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg
First episode: 21 Jan 2016

Time Master Rip Hunter puts together a ragtag band of misfits from the early twentieth century (he found them by watching reruns of Arrow and The Flash) to track down and stop the evil, world-conquering despot Vandal Savage.

The pilot gets one extra half star for playing The Captain and Tennille when the gang visits 1975 and another plus half star because the swollen-headed Rip got belted by both Hawkgirl and the White Canary; but it lost a half star for Rip’s own soppy background story. Beyond the pilot, though, the explanations about changes to the timeline are just whacked.

 I like being part of a team, man. 

by Jacob Gentry and Alex Orr (Gentry, director)
First release: 22 Jan 2016

Jim Beale manages to open one portal of a time machine, but he needs help from a capitalist to open the other end. It wouldn’t hurt to also have the help of the beautiful woman who just showed up, even though his best friend tells him to stay away from her.

 What you have to do to traverse a wormhole is have two openings. What we did tonight is open one end of it. 

   “Robot from the Future”
by Terry Bisson
First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Jan/Feb 2016

Eleven-year-old Theodore, his enhanced dog Bette, and his Grandpa deal with a robot who’s traveled from a post-singularity future and needs a Mason jar of gas-o-line to get back home without endangering the Time line.

 “There is no Time machine,” it says. “We are not supposed to be here but our Time line pinched and we are in big trouble unless you can help.” 

adapted by Bridget Carpenter
First episode: 15 Feb 2016

When Stephen King’s book was first announced, I felt skeptical: After all, could even Stephen King breath new life into the most worn-out time travel trope of all? Yet he came through, not by adding anything new to the save JFK lore, but by blending in a unique brand of horror and producing a captivating page turner. So when Hulu announced that they’d make an eight-part miniseries of the book, I looked forward to its release. Never have I been so disppointed with an adaptation of a book. The acting is admirable, but the characters and plot have been flattened, presumably based on Hulu’s assumptions about what their viewers want.

 Youre going to feel apart from other people. That doesnt go away. 

   Version Control
by Dexter Palmer
First publication: 23 Feb 2016

I don”t know whether there’s any other book with Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data that lists the topics:
  1. Married women—Fiction.
  2. Physicists—Fiction.
  3. Quantum theory—Fiction.
The married woman is Rebecca Wright, a complex, introspective twenty-something who eventually lands a job at the online dating site Lovability; her physicist husband Philip Steiner has invented a time machine, um, excuse me, a causality violation device. I didn’t actually see any quantum physics going on, but there are multiple timelines, complex relationships, poking fun at both modern cybersocial life and modern academia, and philosophical discussions—all from my friend Marga as a gift for my 60th birthday.

 He can read her face, and can tell that she agrees the opinion that he himself is too politic to speak aloud: that the papers being delivered today are not that good. They are not very interesting. They are parsimoniously doled out fingernail parings of thought, bloated into full length by badly written prose and extensive recapitulations of material with which an audience of this kind would already be familiar. They are evidence that the desire to bide ones time in order to do good science has be sublimated to the constant drive to publish; as the saying goes, the committees that hand out funds and grand tenure cannot read, but they can count. 

   Time Travel Subway Car
by Improv Everywhere
First publication: 16 Mar 2016

What do you get when you put four sets of twins on the N-train?

 No-ma-chine! No-ma-chine! 

English title: Erased (translated from Japanese)
aka Bokudake ga Inai Machi (The Town Without Me)
adapted by Noriko Gotô
First release: 19 Mar 2016

I haven’t yet seen a release of this adaptation of Kei Sambe’s manga with English subtitles or dubs.

by Amanda Grace Shu
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 23 Mar 2016

Clare is the time-traveler’s daughter, more or less, although she thinks that her daddy is in space. But maybe she’s right in that it certainly seems that her daddy could be a time traveler from outer space.

 He is an old man at her birth, a youth at her third birthday party, and a fifty-something when he walks her to her first day of kindergarten. 

   “The Visit”
by Christopher Jon Heuer
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 28 Mar 2016

Billy’s dad gives an incorrect explanation of why time travel is impossible, an explanation that was worn out when Astounding was still young.

 Dad, do you think time travel is possible? 

The story also appeared in this 2016 anthology.

  Dino-Mating #3
“Diamond Jim and the Dinosaurs”
by Rosemary Claire Smith
First publication: Analog, Apr 2016

Now a wildlife biologist, Dr. Marty Zuber and his girlfriend Julianna Carson head to the Mesozoic to try to head off the commercial ambitions of Marty's arch-nemesis, the always nefarious Dr. Derek Dill.

 What should you do if a mosasaur comes up out of the sewer and into your bathroom? 

   “Early Warnings”
by Martin L. Shoemaker
First publication: Analog, Apr 2016

A physicist's future me travels back in time to warn him about the perils of breaking up with Gwen.

 His story was ridiculous, but he really did look like me plus twenty years, and he knew things about me that nobody else could know. 

   Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
created by Josh Whedon, Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen
First time travel: “Spacetime,” 5 Apr 2016

This show had the episode (“Spacetime”) that pushed me over the edge in the matter of whether to include precognition/premonitions in my time travel list. But when Fitz has quotes such as “You guys, there is no time—” how could I not? It may take me a while to pull in other visions-of-the-future stories, and I won’t include obvious non-examples (such as predicting the future based on elements that are available in the present moment), but I shall persevere. Here’s the reasoning behind my new ruling: If you (or Daisy) are actually getting a picture of the future, then Occam’s Razor says that information about the future is most likely traveling through time. Case closed.

 Coulson: Like, in Terminator, if John Connors alive and able to send his friend back in time to save his mom to make sure hes born, doesnt that mean he doesnt have to?
Lincoln: I, uh, never saw the original Terminator.
Coulson: Youre off the team. 

Abramowitz & Stegun

   “The Treasures of Fred”
by Sandra McDonald and Stephen D. Covey
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 8 Apr 2016

After Frederick A. Hayes dies, his daughter Charlotte finds use for various of his things, but not for his Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Abramowitz and Stegan, 1970) which some burglar repeatedly steals as he and the daughter relive the day of the funeral over and over, apparently as a consequence of a time trap that the father set.

 My father set a time trap? 

   “A Hazy Shade of Winter”
by Adam B. Levine
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 12 Apr 2016

Feeling old, a woman uses the new view-the-past technology to drop in on her younger self.

 Of course, that thought immediately slipped her mind when she turned on the news and saw the main story for the day: time travel had been discovered. 

by Michael Hurst (Hurst, director)
First release: 15 Apr 2016

Unless it were your job, nobody would ever watch this movie beyond four minutes, and yet, alas, such is my job. So: A mysterious, wealthy boss and his dysfunctional group of twenty-somethings build a secret time machine while the NSA surveils the affair. But when they send their first victim traveler forward, he comes back with the news that someone is murdering them all, after which the story turns into teen slashfest with bad acting, worse writing, and no interesting turns. Nevertheless, the movie does an almost perfect job when it comes to creating a single, nonparadoxical timeline.

 Jim: We have a time machine. We have a time machine! None of this has to happen, okay? Somebody goes back and they warn us not to come. So whoever the killer is, he doesnt get to kill anybody, not today.
Bubbles: Yeah, thats good.
Gale: Yeah.
Randy: No, we cant do that. Well cause a paradox! 

   The Infinite Time Series
by H.J. Lawson
First book: 26 Apr 2016

The cover blurb for Infinite Time, the first short book of a series, says Save the girl. Save the day. Save yourself. Not only that, but in the opening pages, Parker (the high-school Hero) blames himself for the death of his Uncle Ben father at the hand of a robber many years ago. Eventually Parker will get a time-travel opportunity to save his father and stop his mother from remarrying the lazy step-father, but not until the second book or later. In the first book, Parker must deal with the high-school bully, a well-written crush on a cheerleader, and a time travel setup that has him meet other time travelers who are given mysterious missions to complete.

 Its not a game, and its not a dream. I can time-travel. Clint can. Bruce, too, when hes not writing on the ground, and apparently so can you. 

   Game of Thrones
adapted by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
First definitive time travel: 22 May 2016

Throughout its first six seasons, the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones had a handful of time-travelish moments mostly centered on young Bran’s dreams of the past. But it wasn’t until the origin story of Bran’s half-giant companion, Hodor, that we saw a definitive influence of present-day Bran on Hodor’s past. The interaction is a terrific example of a closed causal loop: Bran is observing Hodor in the past because of who Hodor is to Bran, and it is Bran’s presence that creates that very Hodor.

 The past is written; the ink is dry. 

   “Would Santayana Take It Back?”
by Joe Queenan
First publication:, 27 May 2016

Shortly after the publication of Wells’s The Time Machine, Jorge Agustin Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás (aka George Santayana) is visited by time travelers who beseech him to never put his only historically remembered sentence.

 Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. 

   Time Squared
by Brian K. Larson
First book: 31 May 2016

In the first book, Jonas Arnell and his crew awaken at Gliese 667 after a cryogenic sleep to find that the signals they detected from Earth are coming from an abandoned version of their own ship.

 Weve got a reactant coolant leak! 

   “Flight from the Ages”
by Derek Künsken
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, May/Jun 2016

In a mind-bending story with vast ideas on every page bang, the artificial intelligence Ulixes-316 starts as a financial agent for a galaxy-spanning bank in which he and Poluphemos witness (or cause?) an explosion that sets off a wavefront that’s collapsing space time at an ever expanding rate. With this as background, time travel plays both a minor role in a light-years-wide tachyon-based computing network and the key role in how a degenerating Ulixes can take care of his damaged companion Poluphemos and take an ethically questionable step that involves rewriting the Big Bang.

 Correct, little algorithm, but we are not in your present. We transmitted ourselves by tachyons into the past, back into the stelliferous period, to one of the first galaxies. We have been working here in the morning of the Universe for twelve million years. 

  Martin and Artie’s Timeline Restoration #2
“When the Stone Eagle Flies”
by Bill Johnson
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Jun 2016

The Stone Eagle is both a sign and a meeting place for the myriad of odd ones from the future and the past, including Martin and his embedded AI, Artie. In this second adventure, they're back in ancient Mesopotamia, still trying to restore Martin's timeline.

 “The odd ones from the future and the past,” she said, matter-of-factly. “The ones who taught us that the past and future are not one simple path but more like a basket full of loose threads. And all these threads are strung together with different starting points and different events, like knots, along the threads.” 

from Powers’s website

   “The Day the Future Invaded”
by Beth Powers
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 2 Jun 2016

One Friday afternoon in the middle of winter, time travelers from the future appear along with their various gadgets and green food.

 Ruptures in space time . . . quantum [gobbledygook] . . . not linear. 

Echter is a manager for one of my favorite radio shows. (Have they ever done time travel?)

   “Time and Space Died Yesterday”
by Brandon Echter
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 17 Jun 2016

I wouldn’t say that Echter wrote a story here, but all the events of Earth history have been mashed together in his slipstream piece.

 . . . and a grandmother of three writes her suicide note in the same room that Helen is talking to her therapist, who says that the human mind is a primate one, that we are drawn to the exciting and the new and gloss over the day to day lest we go insane in the details, and the first mammals crawl into and from the trees . . . 

   “Penguins of Noah’s Ark”
by Larry Hodges
First publication: Galaxy’s Edge, Jul 2016

A bust of President George W. Bush gets thrown into a time vortex, catching fire by friction, whereupon it sets out on its task to direct various pairs of animals to Noah’s Ark—most notably, the penguin couple of Mrs. Bleep and Mr. Bleep-Bleep.

 The Bush bust passed through the vortex, catching fire through friction as it shot through time. 

   “Rules for Quantum Speed Dating”
by Austin DeMarco
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 4 Jul 2016

Even though this list of rules conflates time travel with quantum superposition, I can’t fault it overly much given that the entire notion of time is poorly understood in quantum mechanics.

 Do not worry if one of your quantum selves accidentally “kills” your grandfather in a lovers’ quarrel over your grandmothers affections. Remember, when the wave function collapses, only one of your selves will be “real.” Simply reset your parricidal self and move on. 

from McDonald’s website

   “Repeat One”
by Andrew Neil McDonald
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 28 Jul 2016

Marty meets an old man who explains how things are.

 “We exist within a glitch of the space-time continuum,” he said, hands flailing, “and are doomed to relive this exact moment, this exact conversation, forever.” 

   “Vishnu Summer”
by David Prill
First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Jul/Aug 2016

Audrey lost one arm in a farm accident as a child; so now, as a young adult, she becomes fascinated when a three-armed man from the next county over is put on trial for murder.

And my interpretation is that the ending involves a brief bit of time travel, back to an alternate world that has returned to the start of Three-Arm’s trial.

 I felt like something was being stripped away from me. From inside. Like something was being unwound. I dont know it thats the right way to explain it. I couldnt explain it. It was just one of those feelings without a name. 

by Jason Sanford
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Aug 2016

Hanger-girl and other lost souls live in a future New York City of crumbling buildings and a ground-level mist that will take you if you let it. The way all this came about involves a researcher who tried to open tiny doors through time.

 The mists are time itself, or at least time as it exists here. 

   Groundhog Day, the Musical
adapted by Tim Minchin and Danny Rubin
First performance: 16 Aug 2016 at The Old Vic, London

Phil Conner sings and re-sings his day across the stage, although for me, the production had too much Frozen and not enough Grease.

 ♫If I had my time again, I would do it all the same, they say, but thats insane—surely youd want to make a couple of fixes!♫ 

   “Academic Circles”
by Peter Wood
First publication: Asimov's Science Ficton, Sep 2016

Kate Warner, assistant professor of English, doesn’t see how that dimwitted Marzano could have submitted her paper on The Man in the High Castle to The Hoboken Literary Journal 18 months before she even started writing it.

Wood creates some likeable characters, but there is no consistency in his model of time travel.

 You have a time machine and youre not doing anything important or helping anyone. All youre doing messing with me. 

   “A Snowball’s Chance”
by Larry Hodges
First publication: New Myths, Sep 2016

Trini feels responsible for the past twenty years of children who have been lost to the witch in the castle, and now she’s determined to ensure that the deadly cycle comes to an end.

 I am the most powerful witch in the world, and you are armed with a snowball. Do you know what that means? 

by Tony Elliot (Elliot, director)
First release: 16 Sep 2016

Ren (and eventually Hannah) are stuck in a time loop that resets each time Ren is killed by one of the Bloc— a group of violent men who at first don’t seem interested in the time-looping machine (aka ARQ).

 I already tried that. 

   “The Tim Machine”
by Matt Larsen
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 26 Sep 2016

Time travelers are among us in knitting groups and speaking to Tim through his cell phone.

 Faster than light travel makes it possible to send an observer out and back before he left. 

created by Shawn Ryan and Eric Kripke
First episode: 3 Oct 2016

I like the show’s period sets and the three main characters: history professor Lucy Preston, timeship pilot/scientist Rufus Carlin, and Delta Force soldier Wyatt Logan. I even like the bad guy that the trio chases through time. But I’m going to use the show to illustrate two questions that I wish they’d answer:

1. Take Lucy, for example. She and her pals go back in time and change something so that when they return to the present, the previously sistered Lucy no longer has a sister, Amy. And everyone except the travelers remember the Amyless version. That Lucy is quite a different Lucy, complete with a fiancé. So what happened to that Lucy?

2. When they discover that evil Garcia Flynn has gone back to some time in history, they inevitably rush to get there quickly. Why are they rushing? And why don’t they consider going back to before Flynn’s arrival in the past to be ready for him when he arrives?

But, yeah, I like the show and their cool timeship.

 Lucy? What the hell has gotten into you? And who’s Amy? 

   “When Grandfather Returns”
by Sharon N. Farber (as by S.N. Dyer)
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Oct/Nov 2016

In the times of the conquistadors, young Thunder Cries is such a hellion that his parents eventually give him over to the spirits to raise.

 When all was quiet, he walked into the future in his dreams. He saw these Turtle Men at a village like his mother's, perhaps his mother's village. All villages met the same fate. 


   “The Compromise”
by Karin Terebessy
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 1 Nov 2016

In a ghetto, a time traveler asks Leo to gather together ten men to sing a kaddish for the traveler’s long gone grandfather.

 Two months earlier, the time traveler had appeared, and taught Leo the mourners Kaddish. 

   “How the Damned Live On”
by James Sallis
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Dec 2016

A island castaway discusses life with a spider named Mmdhf who understands time as a single whole that has already been written.

 The closest I can come to the giant spiders name is Mmdhf. She loves to talk philosophy. 

created by Brad Wright
First episode: 23 Dec 2016

Earth’s outlook is pretty grim, which we know because small groups of travelers from the future are taking over the bodies of present-day people with the goal of altering the shape of things that came. I enjoy how the bodies of the star team (Grant, Marcy, Carly, Trevor, and Philip) don’t always match those of their future counterparts.

 We, the last and broken memories, vow to undo the errors of our ancestors, to make the Earth whole, the lost unlost, at the peril of our own birth. 

And Still More Time Travel of 2016

The story pilots haven’t yet taken these adventures out for a test drive.
  “New Under the Sun” by Janet Shell Anderson, 365 Tomorrows, 28 Jan 2016
—circular time on a prison planet

  “This Is the Most Important Job You Have to Do” by Danielle Bodnar, 365 Tomorrows, 10 Feb 2016
—postapocalytic time machine

  “Hydrogen Butterfly” by Glenn S. Austin, 365 Tomorrows, 4 Apr 2016
—back to the primordial solar system

  “Stricken from the Record of Space and Time” by Charlie Sandefer, 365 Tomorrows, 12 Apr 2016
—saving a scientist’s son

  “Paradox Lost” by Bob Newbell, 365 Tomorrows, 29 Apr 2016
—a grandfather paradox

  “Eight Minutes” by Jonathan K. Harline, 365 Tomorrows, 31 May 2016
—end-of-world time loop

  “TimeCorp” by Steven Journey, 365 Tomorrows, 30 Jun 2016
—that whole Earth-is-moving business

  “The Timekeepers” by Matthew Harrison, 365 Tomorrows, 11 Jul 2016
—a 13-hour watch controls time

  “Matured” by Jae Miles, 365 Tomorrows, 12 Jul 2016
—illicit sampling of past food and wine

  “Nothing but Time” by Stephen R. Smith, 365 Tomorrows, 29 Jul 2016
—trapped in a long time loop as an observer

  “One Man’s Trash . . .” by Edward D. Thompson, 365 Tomorrows, 30 Jul 2016
—mining the past for trash

  “Running Back” by Beck Dacus, 365 Tomorrows, 17 Sep 2016
—time reversal at a 1 to –1 ratio

  “The Ouroboros Ship” by T.N. Allan, 365 Tomorrows, 19 Oct 2016
—timeloop on a spaceship with no food

  “My Name is Alex” by Russell Bert Waters, 365 Tomorrows, 4 Nov 2016
—Alex seems to repeat his Saturday

  “The Dandelion Clock” by Robin Husen, 365 Tomorrows, 6 Nov 2016
—going back to save the city from fire

  “Erasure” by Andi Dobek, 365 Tomorrows, 5 Dec 2016
—fix your mistakes with a blackmarket time machine

  “The Tomorrow” by Jae Miles, 365 Tomorrows, 7 Dec 2016
—Vienna in the early 1900s

  “Reversion” by Beck Dacus, 365 Tomorrows, 21 Dec 2016
—a button to return you to age eight

  “Time Inc.” by Travis Gregg, 365 Tomorrows, 22 Dec 2016
—each trip back creates an alternate reality

Romance Time Travel of 2016

Bodice rips are a more workaday mode of time travel than time ships.
Scottish Time Travel: Lost in the Highlands by Lorraine Beaumont

River of Time California 1: Three Wishes by Lisa Tawn Bergren

River of Time California 2: Four Winds by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Beautiful Wreck by Larissa Brown

Hearts of Time 1: Silver Hearts by C.R. Charles

Echo 2: Time Anomaly by Lindsey Fairleigh

Echo 2.5: Dissonance by Lindsey Fairleigh

Echo 3: Richochet through Time by Lindsey Fairleigh

Love in Time by Barbara Gabaldon

Pocket Watch Chronicles 2: The Midwife by Ceci Giltenan

Pocket Watch Chronicles 3: Once Found by Ceci Giltenan

Pocket Watch Chronicles 4: The Christmas Present by Ceci Giltenan

Twist of Fate by Kathryn Kelly

Vampire Girl 1: Vampire Girl BY Karpov Kinrade (2016) by Karpov Kinrade

Vampire Girl 2: Midnight Star BY Karpov Kinrade (2016) by Karpov Kinrade

Vampire Girl 3: Silver Flame BY Karpov Kinrade (2016) by Karpov Kinrade

Tales of a Traveler 3: Ironheart Anselm's Tale by N.J. Layouni

Celtic Brooch 5: The Broken Brooch by Katherine Lowry Logan

Celtic Brooch 6: The Three Brooches by Katherine Lowry Logan

Celtic Brooch 7: The Diamond Brooch by Katherine Lowry Logan

Thornton 1: Darkest Knight by Cynthia Luhrs

Thornton 2: Forever Knight by Cynthia Luhrs

Thornton 3: First Knight by Cynthia Luhrs

Mail Order Bride 1: Touched by Time by Zoe Matthews and Jade Jenson

Mail Order Bride 2: River of Time by Zoe Matthews and Jade Jenson

Loch Moigh 4: The Highlander's Vow by Barbara Longley

Must Love 3: Must Love Kilts by Angela Quarles

Swept Away Saga 2: Carried Away BY Kamery Solomon (2016) by Kamery Solomon

Dunskey Castle 1: Tavish by Jane Stain

Thief in Time 1: A Thief in Time by Cidney Swanson

Spirit Path 3: The Forbidden Path by Tammy Tate

St Mary's 7: Lies, Damned Lies, and History by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 7.5: The Great St. Mary's Day Out by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 7.6: My Name Is Markham by Jodi Taylor

Magic in Morgan's Crossing by Janet Wellington

After Cilmeri 11: Masters of Time by Sarah Woodbury

After Cilmeri 12: Outpost in Time by Sarah Woodbury

No Time Travel.
Move along.
Sherlock (“The Abominable Bride”) adapted by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, 1 Jan 2016 [just a dream ]

Quantum Break by Microsoft, (included with game), 5 Apr 2016 [time phenomena without time travel ]

“The Gettysburg Game” by Jeff Calhoun, Galaxy’s Edge, May 2016 [virtual reality ]

“Hold the Moment” by Marie Vibbert, Analog, Jun 2016 [personal time rate differences ]

“Rats Dream of the Future” by Paul McAuley, Asimov’s, Jun 2016 [predictions ]

  Martin and Artie’s Timeline Restoration #3
“Whending My Way Back Home”
by Bill Johnson
First publication: Analog, Jan 2017

Martin and his AI, Artie, are in ancient Carthage, a few centuries after their second escapade. Seems like they're making progress toward their future timeline, but looks can be deceiving.

 Perfection, of any kind, was an error. 

from Muenzler’s website

   “The Way We Fall”
by Michelle Muenzler
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 26 Jan 2017

A man responds to a break-up by diving off a building, which causes a time loop.

 Or is it the first— 

   “Still Life with Abyss”
by Jim Grimsley
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Jan/Feb 2017

Teams of researchers from a nebulous future observe branching timelines in their past, with a particular fascination for the one man who has never made a choice that forked off a new line.

 Hes a human freak as far as Im concerned. Whatever I think of him, it doesnt affect my work. 

   All Our Wrong Todays
by Elan Mastai
First publication: 7 Feb 2017

Tom Barron uses his father’s time machine to go back to the moment in 1965 when unlimited power-supplying Goettreider Engine was first turned on, but in the process he changes an idyllic world into the world that we now have.

 Nearly every object of art and entertainment is different in thisworld. Early on, the variations aren't that significant. But as the late 1960s gave way to the vast technological and social leaps of the 1970s, almost everything changed, generating decades of pop cuylture that never existed—fifty years of writers and artists and muscians creating an entirely other body of work. 

A spiral is mandatory for a time-travel watch.

   “One of a Kind”
by Maurice Forrester
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 26 Feb 2017

Advertisements for a pocket watch with time-traveling properties are followed from 1895, into the future, and back.

 Offered for private sale is a gold watch engineered to allow the discriminating Gentleman the opportunity to experience time in a new way. This is a one-of-a-kind item. Serious inquiries only. Reply to Box 154 at this newspaper. 

   Making History
created by Julius Sharpe
First episode: 5 Mar 2017

When university janitor Dan Chambers invents a time machine (really more of a time duffle bag), he decides to use it to land a girlfriend in Colonial Massachusetts. His plan succeeds, but along the way, he manages to stop the American Revolution, a consequence that can be righted only by bringing history professor Chris Parrish into the fold.

 After seeing that Peppermint Patricia wrapper, I knew that any society that could mix two separate flavors like mint and chocolate is more open-minded than I could ever fathom. We must start this revolution so that the women of the future can feel the freedom that I felt in those brief moments. 

   Time after Time
adapted by Kevin Williamson
First episode: 5 Mar 2017

H.G. Wells chasing Jack the Ripper through time did’t manage to translate from the 1979 silver screen to the 2017 small screen, although I enjoyed the Paris episode before the show was prematurely canceled.

The model of time travel was particularly troublesome in that I never did understand why H.G’s first trip took him to the museum.

 Its inevitable: Science and technology will advance beyond all imagination, forcing society to perfect itself. Imagine who you could be if you didnt live in fear. Or more importantly, imagine the stories you could write if your life was full of adventure. 

from Halbach’s website   “Alexander’s Theory of Special Relativity”
by Shane Halbach
First publication: Analog, Mar/Apr 2017

After Alexander accidentally strands his girlfriend in the future, he has trouble reestablishing relations with her.

 She turned and slapped him hard across the face. 

aerial view of Masada   “Eli’s Coming”
by Catherine Wells
First publication: Analog, Mar/Apr 2017

Eli ben Aryeh, the founder and head of Time Sharing Adventures, is aiming for the year 10 BCE, but he misses by 75 years and ends up instead at the Romans siege of Masada where he is mistaken for the prophet Elijah.

 But they hadnt existed at the time of Herod the Great. And they hadnt captured Masada until—what, 66 CE? 

C.L. Moore never received a Grand Master award, which is given only to living authors.   “Grandmaster”
by Jay O’Connell
First publication: Analog, Mar/Apr 2017

While her husband is asleep on the couch, renowned science fiction writer C.L. Moore receives a visitor from the future who presents her with a well-deserved award that she never received while alive.

 Shes thirty-six but has felt the same inside since fifteen, when shed read a pulp magazine and knew with absolute certainty what she wanted to do with her life. 

Six other stories by Flynn appeared in this 2012 collection.   “Nexus”
by Michael F. Flynn
First publication: Analog, Mar/Apr 2017

The lives of Siddhar Nagkmur (a regretful alien time traveler) and Stacey Papandreon (a tired immortal) converge for the second time since 522 AD; throw in some more aliens and a desperate need to repair the timeline to complete the story.

 Nagkmur finds a chronology on the Internet and searches out a year halfway between the present and their encounter in sixth century Constantinople. The quickest way to identify when things went awry, he tells her, is to work by halves. If AD 1300 is undisturbed, the change came later; otherwise, earlier. 

interior art from Analog   “Shakesville”
by Adam Troy-Castro and Alvara Zinos-Amaro
First publication: Analog, Mar/Apr 2017

Fifty future versions of a man show up in his apartment (49 of whom are corrupted) to warn him of an impending fateful decision that his must make correctly.

 Its not anything fatal. You know it cant be anything fatal, because if it was, thent here would be no future self who could be sent back to warn you. 

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry from The Prisma   “The Snatchers”
by Edward McDermott
First publication: Analog, Mar/Apr 2017

Max, an experienced snatcher of Valuables from the past, joins with newby Nichole to snatch the author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry from his death in World War II.

 Fifty percent of snatchers dont return from their first. Why? Because time is a malevolent killer that tries to eradicate us when we jaunt. But you know all that. 

   “Time Heals”
by James C. Glass
First publication: Analog, Mar/Apr 2017

John’s hatred of his stepfather leads him to the kind of time jump activity that Time Adventures explicitly forbids.

 His second attempt had not been so subtle, a handgun and cartridges smuggled past Time Adventures people who didnt even bother to check his luggage. 

   Dimension 404
created by Will Campos, Dez Dolly, Daniel Johnson, and David Welch
First time travel: 4 Apr 2017

The Twilight Zone rides again, but this time on streaming tv (Hulu)! The first three episodes, all released on April 4, included a Wishbone meets Captain Planet episode, “Chronos”, with a model of time-travel that made no sense (but was still a hoot).

 You know youve got the wrong equation for closed timelike curves, right? 

   “How Long Is a Time Loop?”
by H. Burford-Reade
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 17 Apr 2017

This first-person account draws a parallel between living with dementia and living in a time loop.

 “So, what exactly is a time loop?” I ask, on a wet winters night, as I take my shoes off and recline on the professors sofa. 

   “Letters Found on the Backs of Pepper Labels next to a Skeleton in an 800-Year-Old Hibernation Capsule Ruputured by What Looks Like Sword Damage”
by Luc Reid
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 25 Apr 2017

A narcissist tricks his grad student into taking him back to Medieval England.

 I told him I was going to be a king in Medieval Times, and here I am getting rich. 

   Drivetime Machine Commercials
First publication: circa Jun 2017

 You warned us you'd be difficult. 

   Black Tiger
by CJ Montgomery
First publication: 5 Jun 2017

Jonathan Chesterfield, inventor of a 24th-century time machine, is conned by the mysterious Mrs. Chen who uncerimoniously strands him in eighteenth-century China.

And for my friend Shane, this is the first admixture of time travel and LIDAR!

 Hey, pull up the article from April 2018, where they found that airplaine using LIDAR. 

   Don’t Matter Now
by George Ezra
First publication: 16 Jun 2017

Hannah swears that George, the Volvo, and the dog all time travel at the end of Dont Matter Now, which would explain why he’s speaking in a language they don’t know.

 ♫Speak in a language they don’t know
It don’t matter now♫

from Shvartsman’s website

   “The Practical Guide to Punching Nazis”
by Alex Shvartsman
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 31 Jul 2017

Apparently, you can go back to punch Hitler.

 If punching Nazis is punishable by death, youve arrived too early. 

   “Other Worlds and This One”
by Cadwell Turnbull
First publication: Asimov’s Science Fiction, Jul/Aug 2017

In his universe, where the narrator lives with his difficult brother and mother, he had no ability to travel to other times and places, but he can visit pretty much any time or place (especially places with Hugh Everett) in any of the other myriad universes from the vast multiverse which are all fixed in stone.

 What I cant do is change anything. I cant change the course of history. I cant make it so that things work out. Every universe exists complete from the start. Its all already happened. 

by Alvarez, Knutsson, Knutsson, Koller, and Wayans (Tiddes, director)
First release: 11 Aug 2017

Rob Anderson wakes up naked in an elevator and late for his wedding, and every time the church bell rings, he’s back at the beginning again.

 You are sending me back in time . . . ah, well, not you—God! 

   “An Incident in the Literary Life of Nathan Arkwright”
by Allen M. Steele
First publication: Asimov's Science Fiction, Sep/Oct 2017

Nathan Arkwright, one of the big four of golden-age science fiction writers, is considering whether there's any point to continuing with his Galaxy Patrol series when he gets invited out to dinner by an odd couple with a brand new car.

 Your novels are popular now, but in time your work will become even more esteemed . . . more valuable . . . than you can ever know. 

   “The City’s Gratitude”
by Meg Candelaria
First publication: Daily Science Fiction, 18 Sep 2017

A man from the future wants to avert a disaster, but the assigned police officer thinks he’s just a loonie.

 Youre from the future and its very important you talk to the mayor right now about a horrible threat that we have to avert. 

   The Orville
created by Seth MacFarlane
First time travel: 5 Oct 2017 (“Pria”)

It didn’t take long for MacFarlane’s slightly zany Star Trek parody to introduce us to Pria, a collector visitor from their far-future, who grabs people only just before they’re about to die. I know the show has a bit of a comedy take, but I love their excellent take on so many classic sf tropes.

 When we get to my century, I'll introduce you to Amelia Earhart. 

  Martin and Artie’s Timeline Restoration #4
“Hybrid Blue, by Firelight”
by Bill Johnson

It seems that each successive story takes the time traveler and his AI further in time from their goal. This episode, rife with Neanderthals and Denisovans, starts off in 42,967 BCE.

 What do you get when a Neanderthal, a Denisovan, and a Red Deer Cave sit down around a table together? 

artwork by Gerald Kelley

   “The Ant and the Grasshoppers”
by Ian Randal Strock
First publication: Daily Science Fiction 16 Nov 2017

When the narrator realizes that Earth is about to be destroyed by an aseroid, he sends the whole planet back in time ten years.

 If only I had never known, I could have been happier. 

   Dear Principal
by Stephen Callaghan
First publication: 6 Dec 2017

 When Ruby left for school yesterday it was 2017 but when she returned home in the afternoon she was from 1968.
   I know this to be the case as Ruby informed me that the “girls” in Year 6 would be attending the school library to get their hair and make-up done on Monday afternoon while the “boys” are going to Bunnings [hardware store].

English title: Erased (translated from Japanese)
aka Bokudake ga Inai Machi (The Town Without Me)
by Kei Sambe (aka Kei Sanbe)
First episode: 15 Dec 2017

This well-written, faithful, 12-part adaptation of Kei Sambe’s manga provides a compelling story for all three ages of Satoru Fujinuma, although for me the most captivating and disturbing story was of ten-year-old Satoru.

 It's as if you've seen the future. 

Romance Time Travel of 2017

Bodice rips are a more workaday mode of time travel than time ships.
Premier Academy 1: As Shiny as a Comet by Dani Corlee

Premier Academy 2: It Was the Time of Romeo and Juliet by Dani Corlee

Forever Young by Gloria Gay

Royal 1: A Royal Affair by Christina George

Royal 2: A Royal Scandal by Christina George

Royal 3: A Royal Romance by Christina George

Duncurra 4: Highland Redemption by Ceci Giltenan

Pocket Watch Chronicles 5: The Choice by Ceci Giltenan

A Waltz in Time by Eva Harlowe

Vampire Girl 4: Moonlight Prince BY Karpov Kinrade (2017) by Karpov Kinrade

Knights through Time Travel 1: Beyond Time by Cynthia Luhrs

Mail Order Bride 3: Winds of Time by Zoe Matthews and Jade Jenson

Mail Order Bride 4: Secrets of Time by Zoe Matthews and Jade Jenson

Mail Order Bride 5: Changed by Time by Zoe Matthews and Jade Jenson

Magic of Time 3: Time to Spare by Melissa Mayhue

Fairy Tales across Time 1: The Earl Finds a Bride by Bess McBride

Highland Hearts Afire 1: Talisman of Light by B.J. Scott

Highland Hearts Afire 2: Forever and Beyond by B.J. Scott

Swept Away Saga 3: Hidden Away BY Kamery Solomon (2017) by Kamery Solomon

Dunskey Castle 2: Seuman by Jane Stain

Dunskey Castle 3: Tomas by Jane Stain

Hadrian's Wall 1: Time of the Celts by Jane Stain

Thief in Time 2: A Flight in Time by Cidney Swanson

St Mary's 7.7: Desiccated Water by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 8: And the Rest Is History by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 8.5: Markham and the Anal Probing by Jodi Taylor

St Mary's 8.6: A Perfect Storm by Jodi Taylor

After Cilmeri 13: Shades of Time by Sarah Woodbury

No Time Travel.
Move along.
“After the Atrocity” by Ian Creasey, Asimov’s, Mar/Apr 2017 [clones ]

“Kitty Hawk” by Alan Smale, Asimov’s, Mar/Apr 2017 [despite title, no time travel ]

“A Singular Event in the Fourth Dimension” by Andrea M. Pawley, Asimov’s, Mar/Apr 2017 [despite title, no time travel ]

“Tao Zero” by Damien Broderick, Asimov’s, Mar/Apr 2017 [despite title, no time travel ]

“The Wisdom of the Group” by Ian R. MacLeod, Asimov’s, Mar/Apr 2017 [predictions ]

“Precognition” by Alex Drozd, Daily Science Fiction, 30 May 2017 [precognition ]

“Triceratops” by Ian McHugh, Asimov’s, May/Jun 2017 [despite title, no time travel ]

“Time Travel Is Only for the Poor” by S.L. Huang, Analog, Nov/Dec 2017 [long sleep ]


272 items are in the time-travel list for these search settings.
Thanks for visiting my time-travel page, and thanks to the many sources that provided stories and more (see the Links and Credits in the menu at the top). —Michael (